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Corvinus in international rankings

2020-11-09 08:54:05

The THE’s subject-specific ranking

The THE’s subject-specific ranking includes a total of 729 higher education institutions from around the world. The only Hungarian institution ranked in the field of business and economics is the Corvinus University of Budapest. The experts have used similar methods in compiling the rankings as in the case of the World University Rankings. The performance of institutions were assessed based on areas such teaching, research, citations, industry revenue and international orientation, as well as data on the staff-to-student ratio, the total income per student, the proportion of international students and the gender breakdown of students.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Previous to the Times Higher Education rankings, another British ranking had also ranked the Corvinus Master program among the top hundred. In 2020, the international rankings of the best Masters in Management published by the Financial Times ranked the Masters in Management and Leadership program of Corvinus University among the top 100 business schools globally. With the prestigious position, the Master’s Degree of the Corvinus University of Budapest is not only a unique program in Hungary, but also stands out internationally.

According to a survey by the Financial Times, students who have earned their Master’s degree in Management and Leadership at the Corvinus University, earned an average salary of gross 600,000 HUF three years after graduation – 1.5 times higher than the average salary of graduates of other Hungarian universities as recorded by the Graduate Career Tracking System. The ranking also shows that 96% of graduates of the Corvinus Master program find employment within three months after graduation.

According to Dean Helga Habis, responsible for Master’s programs at the Corvinus University, the investment in the two-year Master’s program will have a high return. She has pointed out “research shows that after obtaining a Master’s degree at the Corvinus University, students can expect higher starting salaries and continuously increasing wages in the job market. Moreover, within 7 to 7,5 years following graduation, their average income could be up to 60% more. In addition, students with a Corvinus Master’s degree can find employment faster and easier compared to undergraduate students.”

You can also apply for these excellent Master’s programs at the Corvinus University of Budapest in the first semester. Those wishing to study at the Corvinus University from February 2021 can submit their application for the listed Master’s programs until November 15th. Find more information on how to apply and on the admission procedure below!

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