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Back to news20/01/2021

Corvinus became the owner of the Ráday Street dormitory

The Corvinus Ráday Street dormitory was called the Public-private partnership in 2006

The Corvinus Ráday Street dormitory was called the Public-private partnership in 2006 (hereinafter PPP: It was renovated under a PPP scheme and from 2007 we rented the dormitory back from the PPP investor under a 20-year contract.


 In December 2020, the Government provided an opportunity to trigger the project and get the dormitory from the PPP investor to Corvinus. 

The Government provided us with a total of HUF 1.12 billion in funds, and so on December 23, 2020, the trigger agreement could be signed. As set out in the agreement, the necessary financial operations have been completed and Corvinus will take possession of the college on 15 January 2021, subject to the termination of the PPP contract. 

With this agreement, PPP projects ceased in the life of our university (the contract for our C building was triggered in 2019). 

The PPP replacement is especially positive for us from an economic point of view, and after taking possession of it, we can formulate and implement our development ideas related to the dormitory in the short term instead of 2027.

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