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Call for applications of the Board of Trustees of OMAA

2020-10-21 06:40:45

The next deadline for submitting applicaitons: 30th October 2020

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The Board of Trustees of the Osztrák-Magyar Tudományos és Oktatási Kooperációs Akció Alapítvány (OMAA) (in German: Stiftung Aktion Österreich-Ungarn; in English: Austrian-Hungarian, Scientific and Educational Cooperation Action Foundation) calls for applications for supporting cooperations conducted in the field of Austrian and Hungarian scientific research and education, as well as for staying in Austria with scholarship, for which our employees may apply as well until 30th October 2020.

The full text of the call for applications is available on the OMAA website! (Under menu items “Scholarships to Austria” and Project Applications”)

Applications shall be submitted in German.

The next deadline for submitting applicaitons: 30th October 2020

Further details are available here.

Considering the pandemic, the deadline and the locations of the applications approved by the Board of Trustees may be modified.   

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