Our students successfully participated in IAB Hungary’s consolidated 2019-2020 “Best Thesis on Digital Marketing” competition. The competition, which started in 2018 and is now announced for the second time, received a number of interesting thesis. Most recently, it turned out to be full of influencer-themed thesis, and the winners again had something in common: they all defended their degrees on the Corvinus. Based on the decision of the jury consisting of the staff of Google, Group M, OMD and RTL Hungary sponsoring the application, as well as the members of the board of IAB Hungary and a communication expert, the following dissertations were awarded.
Basic period
Master’s degree
Krisztina Fekete Fanni also won the special prize of the Marketing Research magazine, which will be a publication in April.
Master’s degree
Congratulations to our winning students! The winners of the competition (graduate student and consultant) will receive a cash prize.