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Attack of the critics: Metaphorical delegitimisation in Viktor Orbán’s discourse during the Covid-19 pandemic – Article by Lilla Petronella Szabó and Gabriella Szabó

2022-02-04 09:25:19

The article co-authored by Lilla Petronella Szabó and Gabriella Szabó was published in the Journal of Language and Politics.

This paper presents a case study of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s delegitimisation discourse on the European Union in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We focused on how the EU and its member states were depicted metaphorically in PM Orbán’s weekly radio interviews. Relying on the discourse dynamics approach, we identified the metaphorical expressions the PM used to legitimise the crisis management of the Hungarian government and delegitimise critical comment from international voices in the context of the European Union. Our results showed that supranational bodies were depicted as authority figures and this image was reinforced by the use of particular verbal motifs. Rhetorical ambiguity was also found regarding Western Europe, whereas the notion of friendship was propagated when referring to the relationship between Hungary and the Visegrád countries Czechia, Poland, and Slovakia. 

The article is available here. 

Dr. Szabó Lilla Petronella lilla.szabo@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Kommunikáció- és Médiatudomány Tanszék
Adjunktus / Assistant Professor
E épület, 329
Phone: +36 1 482 5116 • Ext: 5116
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