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Apply for our international exchange programmes!

2023-05-23 04:27:00

Applications for our Erasmus+, bilateral and CEEPUS programmes are open until 12 June.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Thanks to our applications, you can gain international experience that will give you an edge in the job market and broaden your horizons. By studying abroad, you can deepen your professional knowledge and build international contacts that you can use in your career.   

Click here for a list of institutions where you can apply.   

You can apply for the following part-time courses abroad between 2 and 12 June:  


Erasmus+ is a programme funded by the European Union. Its main objectives include developing key competences and skills and helping to improve existing language skills. Corvinus has around 500-600 students travelling to universities abroad each year, and we host around the same number of students.   

Bilateral programmes  

Corvinus has outstanding internationally recognised partner universities not only in the countries covered by Erasmus+, but also worldwide. This allows you to spend your study abroad not only within Europe, but also in Australia, Singapore, the USA or even Brazil.   

Who are these programmes for?   

You can apply as early as your first semester as a bachelor or master student, and in your 3rd semester as a doctoral student. 

Why should you apply?  

The Erasmus+ programme offers you the opportunity to study as a visiting student at one of Corvinus’ internationally recognised partner universities, with the possibility to count the credits you have earned abroad towards your home study.   

If you choose the universities you apply to carefully, you can take both compulsory and optional courses abroad. During your semester abroad, you can hone your language skills, gain useful professional and cultural experience and build international friendships.   

Where can you apply?  

You can apply for the part-time course via MOBility Manager.   


The CEEPUS scholarship programme involves 16 countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans. Each country provides support to its incoming scholarship holders, with the amount of scholarships varying from country to country. The current grant amounts can be found on the CEEPUS Central Office website by clicking on the country flags.   

Who are these programmes for?   

As a bachelor and master student you can travel for a full semester, as a PhD student for at least a week in the networks available at Corvinus.    

Why should you apply?   

There are attractive scholarship opportunities to neighbouring countries, with relatively little administration involved in applying.   

Where can you apply?  

You can apply for the part-training in MOBility Manager.   

More questions? Go to the Online Q&A!  

If you have any questions about the international traineeship, you can ask them during our online open day on 5 June at 15:45. You can follow the event live on our Facebook and YouTube channels.  

Details of the call will be published soon. 

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