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Academic promotions and new researchers and lecturers in 2023/2024

2024-10-30 11:37:00

We presented certificates of merit to the faculty members who have progressed in their academic careers over the past year or joined our university, as well as to three new Professor Emeritus of Corvinus.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

On 21 October, at a ceremony in the Faculty Club, Rector Bruno van Pottelsberghe congratulated the faculty members who have been appointed assistant professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, research professors and full professors during the past academic year. A special welcome was given to three new professors emeritus of the University, László Csaba, Péter Medvedev and József Tóth.  

In the last one-year period, 49 colleagues have been promoted in their academic careers: 23 assistant professors, 16 associate professors, 3 senior lecturers, 2 research professors and 1 research fellow. 22 colleagues (14 of us from abroad) joined the University in the same period: 12 assistant professors, 2 associate professors, 4 research professors, 2 senior lecturers and 2 full professors.  

Brief professional bios of the colleagues involved are collected on this page.  

Congratulations on their promotions and welcome our new colleagues to our university community!  

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