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AACSB initial accreditation visit – with the active participation of 100 members of the Corvinus Community

2022-06-28 14:58:15

As the final step of the AACSB accreditation process, the onsite peer review team visit was held at Corvinus between 19 and 22 June 2022. A delegation consisting of three highly experienced international deans visited Corvinus. Two of them travelled to Budapest from the United States and one from Portugal.
Corvinus Épület

The visitors have altogether met some 100 Corvinus colleagues, students and corporate partners in the 20 different interview sessions, in order to thoroughly examine the operation of the institution in the light of the AACSB standards. The thematic discussions were attended by leaders in charge of the institution’s academic and service areas, Hungarian and international students, faculty and researchers, but also alumni members and representatives of partner companies.

This visit has been the final milestone in the several years’ accreditation process initiated by Corvinus Business School, and continued by Corvinus after the institutional renewal. The American AACSB accreditation is one of the most prestigious global institutional accreditations. This accreditation is awarded to business schools and Corvinus could be the first Hungarian institution that earns it.

After a long preparation, Corvinus submitted its Self-Evaluation Report in March 2022, followed by a pre-visit at Corvinus by peer review team chair Alan T. Shao in the end of March. Only after the pre-visit and submitting our written answers to the questions asked in relation to the report, did the multiple-day visit take place in June, which went well.

After the visit, the Initial Accreditation Committee will come to a decision on whether Corvinus should be awarded the accreditation based on the recommendations made by the peer review team. The decision is expected to be made this fall, and we are looking forward to hearing the announcement.

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