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The diverse world of charity shops: Business models and challenges from a student’s perspective

Students from the Sustainability Management specialisation have studied the business models of donation shops and will present their findings at an open event in Hungarian.
2024.05.27. 13:30
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date and Time: Monday 27 May 2024, 13:30 

Venue: Corvinus University of Budapest, Gellért Campus, Building J, Room J301 (Ménesi út 5.) 

Language: Hungarian 

What similarities and differences can students see in the operation of charity shops? How do they see the world of charity shops when they specialise in sustainability? Following the Night of the Charity Shops on 24 May, the results of the Social Enterprise – Social Innovation course project will be shared, presented and discussed with stakeholders and the audience. 

During the spring semester, 15 charity shops were studied online and on site, through observation and interviews. They tried not only to ask questions and interpret, but also to apply their knowledge of economics to find answers and develop tools useful for charity shops. The results of this work will be presented in an interactive way, to which charity shops and other interested participants are cordially invited. 

The programme is also linked to the May Sustainability Theme of the Month project, which focuses on community action, with social sustainability as an important part of this, as well as the environment. For more details on the project and other activities, click here. 

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