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  • 2/11/2020, After US Hegemony: Geopolitical Economy in the 21st Century, Radhika Desai (Professor, Department of Political Studies, and Director, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada); József Böröcz (Professor, Rutgers University, USA and Corvinus University Budapest, President, Karl Polanyi Center); Annamária Artner (Professor, Milton Friedman University, Senior Researcher, Institute of World Economy); Florin Poenaru (Anthropologist, Co-Editor, CriticAtac); The event is moderated by Attila Melegh (Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest, Founding Director, Karl Polanyi Center). 
  • 6/16/2020, The Forgotten Revolution: The 1919 Hungarian Republic of the Councils, András B. Göllner (PhD, The London School of Economics); Marie-Josée Lavallée (PhD Université de Montréal); David Mandel. 
  • 9/5/2020, The Future of Food in Hungary, Lili Balogh Agroecology; Ágnes Gagyi; Logan Strenchock; Moderator: Dorottya Mendly. 
  • 9/11/2020, Magyarország a világrendszerben. ONLINE vita a Fordulat 26-os számáról, Bodnár Judit; Timár Judit; Melegh Attila; Czirfusz Márton; Éber Márk. 
  • 11/25/2020, Online discussion on qualitative research methods amid pandemic, Lika Tsuladze (Tbilisi State University); Morena Tartari (University of Antwerp); Gergely Pulay (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology); Moderator:Dóra Gábriel (Karl Polanyi Research Centre for Global Social Studies). 
  • 11/27/2020, Book launch and discussion: Towards a scarcity of care? / Kötetbemutató és beszélgetés: Gondoskodási hiány felé?, Editors of the book: Attila Melegh and Noémi Katona; Miloslav Bahna; Aranka Benazha; Petra Ezzeddine; Olena Fedyuk; Dóra Gábriel; Michael Leiblfinger; Kamil Matuszczyk; Kinga Milánkovics; Veronika Prieler; Jennifer Steiner; Zuzana Uhde; Lika Tsuladze; Elena Zacharenko; moderator Noémi Katona. 




  • 2019.05.01, Karl Polanyi and The Future of Humankind, Aziz Fall (McGill University, Canada); Céline Cantat (Karl Polanyi Research Center); Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest); Andreas Novy (University of Vienna); Jiri Silný (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Prague); Marguerite Mendell (Concordia University, Polanyi Institute); Kari Polanyi Levitt (McGill University, Polanyi Institute); Marguerite Mendell (Concordia University, Polanyi Institute); Susan Lee Robertson (University of Cambridge); Mariya Ivancheva (University of Liverpool, UK, Karl Polanyi Research Centre, Budapest); Balázs Bábel (Hungarian Metalworkers’ Federation); Annamária Artner (Hungarian Academy of Sciences); Tibor Meszmann (Working Group for Public Sociology “Helyzet”); Dóra Gábriel (Demographic Research Institute and Karl Polanyi Research Centre); Raquel Varela (New University of Lisbon); Gareth Dale (Brunel University London); Márton Hunyadi (HAS and Karl Polanyi Research Centre); László Andor (Corvinus University of Budapest); Dorottya Mendly (Corvinus University of Budapest); Tania Munira (Karl Polanyi Research Centre); Susan Zimmermann (Central European University); Bruno de Conti (Campinas University); Michelle Crosby-Nagy (Karl Polanyi Research Centre); Alexandra Kowalski (Central European University); Patricia Villen Meirelles Alves (Campinas University); Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest); Zoltán Ginelli (University of Exeter, UK, Independent Researcher, Budapest); Ilya Budraitskis (The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, Russia); Mariya Ivancheva (University of Liverpool, UK, Karl Polanyi Research Centre, Budapest); Brigitte Aulenbacher (JKU Linz, Austria, International Karl Polanyi Society) (tbc); Balázs Krémer (University of Debrecen, Hungary); Patricia Villen Meirelles Alves. 
  • 2019.09.23, Book launch: Repatriating Polanyi by Chris Hann, Mihály Sárkány (Senior Honoris Causa of the Institute of Ethnology, Research Center for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences ); Iván Szelényi. (William Graham Sumner Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Political Science, Yale University); Gergő Pulay (Visegrád Anthropologists’ Network, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology); Joanna Mroczkowska (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Science and Visegrád Anthropologists’ Network, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology). 
  • 2019.12.05, Soyalism or how we are fed, Merve Burçak Ketene (PhD candidate, CUB, Alexandra Köves, Senior lecturer, CUB; Kristóf Nagy (PhD candidate, CEU, editor of the journal Fordulat); Attila Melegh (Associate professor, CUB), Anna Vancsó (PhD candidate, CUB). 
  • 12/9/2019, Perspectives on International Aid and Development, Tomáš Profant (Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava); Judit Kiss (Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences); Krisztina Szabó (Corvinus University of Budapest); Moderated by Dorottya Mendly, Karl Polanyi Research Centre for Global Social Studies. 



  • 2018.02.05, Changing Tides in Brazil – Open Discussion, Patricia Villen, Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences at Federal University of Uberlândia; Bruno De Conti, Professor at the Institute of Economics at University of Campinas; Patricia Villen, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). 
  • 2018.03.09, Democracy in Hungary – Workshop, Márton Gerő (Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Lóránd University); Dalma Dojcsák is a Budapest based Hungarian lawyer. 
  • 2018.04.16, Managing Precarious Work: Economic Anthropological Approaches, Chris Hann (Max Planck Institute); Judit Durst (UCL and HAS);  Gergő Pulay (CEU and HAS), Eva Schwab (CEU); Martha Lampland (University of California, San Diego and CEU).  
  • 2018.05.03, Why has Central Europe become so upsetting? Book launch / debate, Dagmar Kusá (Assistant Professor, Undergraduate Studies Coordinator); Daniel Bartha ( University of Pécs); Edit Zgut (Eötvös Loránd University); Pinar E. Donmez (Central European University); Wojciech Przybylski; Attila Melegh as moderator (Associate Professor, Corvinus University of Budapest). 
  • 2018.05.08, “Az EU és a világ” könyvbemutató és beszélgetés, Böröcz József; Mendly Dorottya (Polányi Központ).  
  • 2018.05.11, Reconfiguring Global Europe: Resistance,Resilience,Organisation, Gerőcs T., Meszmann T., Pinkasz A.; Tamas Gerocs; Tibor Meszmann; Andras Pinkasz; Stefanie Hurtgen, Sumerjan Bozkurt, Onur Can Tastan, Anastasia Riabchuk; Pósfai, Z. Gal Z. and Nagy E.; Zsuzsanna Posfai; Ali Riza Gungen, Christakis Georgiou, Johannes Jaeger, Aliona Liasheva, Csaba Jelinek; Mariann Dosa, Mary Taylor, Ioana Florea, Misa Dumitriu, Jozsef Borocz; Paolo Novak, Daniel Keil, Celine Cantat, Prem Kumar Rajaram, Noemi Katona, Linda Szabo; Richard Lane, Yuliya Yurchenko, Marton Fabok, Eva Schwab, Bálint Balázs; Bailey D. J., Clua-Losada M. , Huke N., Ribera-Almandoz O.; Nikolai Huke, David Bailey, Agnes Gagyi, David Featherstone, Henk Overbeek, Lara Monticelli, Torsten Geelan. 
  • 2018.06.13, Debating attitudes, asylum and migration policies, László Andor; Prem Kumar Rajaram; Béla Janky; Bori Simonovits; Tobias Stöhr; Kiss Tamás; Attila Melegh; Esther Ademmer. 
  • 2018.07.02, Book launch – Martha Lampland: The Value of Labor, Martha Lampland; Pál Juhász; Tibor Kuczi. 
  • 2018.10.11, Szalai Erzsébet: “Hatalom és értelmiség a globális térben“, Barna Emília; Erőss Gábor; Melegh Attila. 
  • 2018.11.09, Contestation Between Forms of Global Justice, Jiří Silný; Attila Melegh; Sonia Lucarelli; Márton Hunyadi; Dorottya Mendly, Silvia D’Amato; Vivien Vadasi; Céline Cantat; Giorgio Grappi; Zsolt Kapelner; Kyle Shybunko; Béla Soltész; Fernando Gonzáles Mitjáns; Margit Feischmidt; Sonia Lucarelli; Céline Cantat; Boldizsár Nagy; András Kováts; Pinar E. Donmez, CEU; Pablo Iraburu; Jorge Fernández; Pablo Tosco. 
  • 2018.11.10, District Zero filmvetítés Faludi Juliannával, Faludi Juliannával. 
  • 2018.11.13, Rethinking Balkanism, Diana Mishkova: Rethinking Balkanism; Orlanda Obad: On Illiberal Avant-garde: Balkanism and the 1990s in Croatia; Balázs Trencsényi (CEU); Zoltán Ginelli (PhD in Human Geography); Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest) 
  • 2018.12.08, Rediscovering Alternatives: a Workshop, Kyle Shybunko (Corvinus and NYU); Attila Melegh (BCE); Anna Nakai (CEU, TBC); Réka Krizmanicz (CEU); András Pinkasz (BME); Adam Fabry (CIECS, Bueno Aires), Kyle Shybunko (NYU and Corvinus University); Gáspár Miklos Tamás (IWM and CEU). 



  • 2017.01.18, What is Global History and is it Applicable for the Middle Ages?, Nada Zečević (MECERN, CEU); Georgina White (Postdoctoral Fellow at the CEMS, CEU); Günhan Börekçi (İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi; CEU).  
  • 2017.02.01, Budapest Lecture Series on Global Labour History, Prof. Dr. Andrea Komlosy ( Institute for Economic and Social History, University of Vienna, Austria); Prof. Dr. Marcel van der Linden (University of Amsterdam); Dr. Ju Li (Sociology and Social Anthropology Department at the Central European University).  
  • 2017.02.27, Norbert Elias and Global History – Polányi Lecture Series, Miklós Hadas (Corvinus University of Budapest); Behrouz Alikhani (Westphalian Wilhelms-University, Münster); Ottó Gecser (Eötvös Lóránd University of Budapest). 
  • 2017.05.04, MTA-CEU-Polányi: The City in Global Perspective, Ulrike von Hirschhausen from the University of Rostock. 
  • 2017.06.19, Demographic change and Political Reactions, Joanna.Gwiazdecka, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation; Ulf Brunnbauer (IOS Regensburg); Bence Ságvári (Centre for Social Sciences, HAS);  Céline Cantat (Central European University); Béla Soltész (Hungarian Statistical Office and Polanyi Center); Tamás Kiss (Institute of Minorities, Cluj),  Anna Vancsó (Corvinus University); József Böröcz (Rutgers University); Julija Sardelic (University of Liverpool), Dorottya Szikra (MTA TK SZI); Olena Fedyuk and Vlad Naumescu (Associate Professor in Sociology & Social Anthropology, CEU / Film-maker); Attila Melegh (Corvinus University). 
  • 2017.12.05, Democratic Modernity and the Rojava Model, Dilar Dirik (Activist of the Kurdish women’s movement); Sercan Çınar (Department of Gender Studies at Central European University, Budapest).  



  • 2016.02.26, Crises and Victims,  Annamária Artner (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World Economics); József Böröcz (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey); Tamás Krausz (Eszmélet, Eötvös Loránd University); Luca László (Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights); Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest). 
  • 2016.03.02, Emigration and Economic Change: Another Failure of Socialist Yugoslavia?, Dr. Ágnes Kemenszky. Institute of International Studies, Corvinus University; Ulf Brunnbauer, Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (Regensburg, Germany). 
  • 2016.04.04, Transnational Conflicts and Migration from the Perspective of Global Governance, Viktor Friedmann; Péter Marton; Tamás Molnár; Peter Stepper; László Csicsmann; András Tétényi; Attila Melegh. 
  • 2016.05.09, Financial Crises, Global Tax Evasion and Destructive Growth: Critique of global capitalism from Polányian perspectives, Vincent Liegey; Gabor Scheiring; Annamária Artner; Éva Bördős.  
  • 2016.06.20, The self and the world – Teaching global society and the perception of global developmental hierarchies in Hungary and South Eastern Europe, Tamás Kiss; Attila Melegh; Zoltán Ginelli; Emese Zsuzsanna Baranyi. 
  • 2016.09.01, Book launch of ‘Karl Polanyi: A Life on the Left’, Gareth Dal (senior lecturer in politics and international relations at Brunel University, London). 
  • 2016.09.21, The Rise of the Far Right in a Long Term Historical Perspective, Ádám Fábry (Brunel University, UK); Balázs Trencsényi (Central European University, Budapest). 
  • 2016.12.05, Migration Regimes, Global Capitalism and Repression, Dr Céline; Iván Szelényi; Judit Tóth. 



  • 2015.02.09, The crisis of the Eurozone from the perspectives of Greece and Hungary, Zoltán Pogátsa (West Hungarian University); Peter Róna (Fellow of Blackfiars Hall, Oxford University, England); Tamás Gerőcs (International Relations Doctoral School at Corvinus University of Budapest); Attila Melegh (Karl Polányi Center for Global Social Studies at Corvinus University of Budapest). 
  • 2015.03.17, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in global migration flows, Emese Baranyi (Karl Polányi Center for Global Social Studies); Irina Molodikova – works in Central European University in Budapest; József Böröcz – Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University; Attila Melegh – Attila Melegh, sociologist and historian., Associate professor at Corvinus University, Budapest. 
  • 2015.03.23, How do transnational movements maneuver in global hierarchies? Claude Karnoouh; Bruno Drewski; G. M. Tamás; Florin Poenaru; Tessza Udvarhelyi/Balint Misetics. 
  • 2015.04.23, Karl Polányi for the 21st Century, Sándor Striker (Eötvös Loránd University); Mihály Sárkány: The Unity of Karl Polányi’s Oeuvre; Chris Hann: Karl Polányi and the Economic Anthropology of Rural Hungary; György Lengyel: Karl Polányi and Economic Sociology East and West. 
  • 2015.09.16, Global policies and the refugee crisis, László Csicsmann (Corvinus University); Pál Nyíri (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.); József Böröcz (Rutgers University); Jama Muqtar (Menedék, Association for Migrants); Judit Tóth (Szeged University); Boldizsár Nagy (CEU); Diana Szántó (Artemisszió Foundation); Orsolya Jeney (Amnesty International); Moderated by Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest).
  • 2015.10.02, The World Order in the 19th Century: Implications for the Present, David Williams, Queen Mary University of London; Musab Younis PhD candidate, Department of International Relations at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford; Naim Bro Khomasi, Phd candidate, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge; Kinga Sata, Political Science Department, Babes-Bolyai University; Mladen Medved, PhD candidate, Department of History, CEU; Adrian Brisku, Research Fellow, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University; Jamie Allinson, Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Edinburgh; Viktor Friedman, PhD candidate, Department of International Relations, CEU; Duncan Bell, Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge; Andrei-Dan Sorescu, PhD candidate, School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, UCL; Nikola Zečević, PhD candidate, Department of International Relations, University of Montenegro; Ana-Teodora Kurkina, PhD candidate, University of Regensburg; Alexander Astrov, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, CEU; Viacheslav Morozov, Professor, Department of International Relations, Tartu University; Nikolai Vlasov, Associate Professor of the History and Theory of International Relations, Saint-Petersburg State University; Neil Davidson, Lecturer, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow. 
  • 2015.11.05, LatinEast Conference 2015 – Comparing Latin America with Eastern Europe, László Csicsmann, Dean, Corvinus University of Budapest, Faculty of Social Sciences; Béla Soltész, Corvinus University of Budapest; Béla Greskovits, Central European University; Attila Melegh, Corvinus University of Budapest; Aldo Madariaga, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies; Judit Ricz, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World Economics; Gábor Endrényi, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary; Julia Buxton, Central European University; Sándor Gyula Nagy, Hungarian Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade; Ágnes Judit Szilágyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; James Mark, University of Exeter and Bálint Tolmár, affiliate researcher; Dávid Vogel, Latinamerica.hu; Attila Zolcsák, Eötvös Loránd University; Ágnes Judit Szilágyi, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest; Máté Deák, University of Pécs; Béla Soltész, Corvinus University of Budapest; Lilla Balogh, University of Pécs; Henry Dias Alves, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; Máté Deák, University of Pécs; Béla Soltész, Corvinus University of Budapest 



  • 2014.03.20, Socialisms in Global Historical-Comparative Perspective Podium Discussion, László Csicsmann, Iván Szelényi, Mahua Sarkar, József Böröcz, Attila Melegh. 
  • 2014.11.11, LatinEast Conference, Gábor Vigvári (Corvinus University of Budapest, Department of World Economy; Bernadett Lehoczki (Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of International Studies); Ágnes Judit Szilágyi (Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Contemporary History); Attila Melegh (Corvinus University of Budapest, Institute of Sociology and Social Policy). 
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