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Useful Information on the Support Provided by Research Manegement (Academic Year 2021/22 )

Research Management presents useful information for Corvinus researchers. The leaflet summarises events, projects, and opportunities designed to support faculty.


  • Past and Future Events and Projects – Semester 1 Information
  • Pillars of Research Support – General Information

Further information is available from:

  • the renewed Research Management website, which is currently available in Hungarian. The English page will follow later. 
  • our central email address:
  • our colleagues
Bordás-Tóth Éva
E épület
Telefon: +36 70 364 8181
Pap Melinda Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási rektorhelyettes / Kutatásmenedzsment
Vezető kutatási szakértő
E épület, 217
Telefon: +36 1 482 5287, +36 30 758 7266 • Mellék: 5287
Ágai Krisztián Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási rektorhelyettes / Kutatásmenedzsment
Titkárságvezető / Administrative officer
E épület, 213
Telefon: +36 1 482 5196 • Mellék: 5196
  1. Past and Future Events and Projects – Semester 1 

Researchers’ Night: Corvinus University joined the European event series on September 24th. About 30 lectures and workshops were held on campus and online. Make sure you join this event next year.  

Research Brunch: An informal university networking event for researchers to be organised on a regular basis in the future. The first event brought faculty together at the Corvinus Faculty Club after a long period of Covid restrictions on September 29th. The second Research Brunch is planned for December 9th 2021. 

Research Newsletter: a compass for researchers to find out about your colleagues’ latest successes, the purchase of new software and databases, invitations to conferences and calls for applications, and much more. The 5th issue is planned for December 2021. Feel free to send us your news and reports by the end of November. Previous issues of the Research Newsletter are available here

Meet the Editor: research support event series on the written and unwritten rules of international publication practices aimed at boosting international publications, enhancing success rates, and thus improving CUB’s international visibility. 

The 3rd online event with David J. Vogel, Editor-in-Chief of California Management Review, Professor Emeritus, Haas School of Business, Berkeley University, was held on October 4th. A recording of this presentation and of previous events is available on the Research Management website. The next event is scheduled for late November – early December 2021. Let us know who you would like to see as a guest of the series. 

CKK22 – Corvinus International Research Excellence 2022: CKK is being revised. This year awards will be granted in eight categories. 

  • The basic principles remain unchanged (awarding internationally significant and recognized research performance). In addition, the career track of the applicant and the related publication requirements will be taken into consideration in the evaluation. 
  • Call for applications: November 2021 (TBC) 
  • Contact person: Éva Bordás-Tóth (

Workflow: The website of the research support application system is being renewed as well. 

  • User friendly interface with simplified processes. 
  • Tests will start very soon. Research Committee members and faculty are welcome to join us in the system’s test. More information will be available later. 
  • Applications are welcome in the following categories: 
  • Participation in traditional and online international academic conferences 
  • Corvinus Research Seminars 
  • Networking 
  • Proofreading 
  • Open access 
  • Membership fee, international conferences to be held at Corvinus as per individual assessment. 
  • Contact person: Éva Bordás-Tóth ( ) 

Research Week: Sign up as a presenter and join your colleagues’ lectures, workshops, and research related trainings. 

  • Date: January 10-14th 2022
  • Venue: Online and/or on campus 
  • Call for applications: November 2021 
  • Application deadline: December 13th, 2021 
  • Contact person: Éva Bordás-Tóth (

Research Seminars: Institutes are invited to organize research seminars which are closely linked to their research strategy. 

  • Research Seminars must be organized by the end of 2021. 
  • Submit your application via Workflow. 
  • Funding of 1,000,000 HUF per Institute is available from the Faculty Development budget.  
  • Contact person: Éva Bordás-Tóth (,  

Research Committee meetings: The Research Committee is the scientific research body of the Senate, and the permanent committee supporting the work of the Vice-Rector for Research. The first RC meeting this semester was held on 28 September and the next one is scheduled for November. 

You will be notified of further events as they happen during the semester.  

  1. Pillars of research support – 2021 

Tools supporting the improvement of research infrastructure and environment: 

Corvinus Faculty Handbook (available in Hungarian) summarizes the research related services and supporting tools provided by the University. The Handbook deals with, for instance, the following topics: how to launch a research project, information on networking and fundraising, available trainings, services supporting research and publication, the communication of research results. 

Ad hoc Research Ethics Committee, together with the Research Committee, ensures the smooth running and ethical character of CUB research by putting forward and approving resolutions on general and specific research topics and by providing researchers with guidance regarding ethical issues (e.g., data collection and other matters) arising before, during or after their research.  

Software with a campus licence: JMP, SPSS, MATLAB, nVivo, Qualtrics 


  • The following databases are available on and off campus:  
Academic Search Complete (EISZ) Elektronikus Beszámoló Portál – Igazságügyi Kossuth Kiadó könyvei (EISZ) 
Akadémiai Kiadó Folyóiratai (EISZ) Minisztérium (Céginformáció) Közlönyök Online (Magyar Közlöny és szakági értesítők, közlönyök) 
Akadémiai Kiadó Szótárai (EISZ) Emerald Insight (Emerald Premier) (EISZ) Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH)   
Balassi Kiadó könyvei (EISZ) EMIS (Emerging Markets Information Service) Központi Statisztikai Hivatal – STADAT rendszer 
Business Source Complete (EISZ) Kronosz Kiadó (EISZ) 
Business Source Premier (EISZ) EuroStat L’Harmattan kiadó könyvei (EISZ) 
DART-Europe – E-theses Portal Gondolat Kiadó (EISZ) MarketLine 
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) GreenFILE Matarka 
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) IMD World Competitiveness Online MathSciNet (EISZ) 
EBSCO adatbázisok IMF eLibrary and Datasets Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law 
EconBiz Jogtár (Wolters Kluwer) MeRSZ – Magyar Elektronikus Referenciaművek Szolgáltatás – Digitális szakkönyvek, jegyzetek 
EconLit (Index) (EISZ) JSTOR – Essential Collection (EISZ) Akadémiai Kiadó (EISZ) 
Napvilág Kiadó (EISZ) A csomag tartalma az e-könyv / e-folyóirat kereső alatt kereshető jelzés Oxford Research Encyclopedias Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés TRIAL Scopus (EISZ) 
NAVA – Nemzeti Audiovizuális Archívum Oxford Scholarship Online Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés TRIAL Springer e-könyvcsomagok (EISZ)  
Nemzeti Jogszabálytár Oxford University Press Journals – Social SpringerLink – Springer Journals (EISZ) 
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Sciences Collection (EISZ)  Statista (EISZ) 
OECD iLibrary Oxford University Press Scholarship Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés TRIAL Taylor and Francis – Social Science and 
ORBIS  NEW (Chrome böngészővel ajánlott) Oxford Very Short Introductions Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés TRIAL Humanitites (EISZ) 
Osiris Kiadó (EISZ) SAGE Humanities and Social Sciences Collection (EISZ)  Typotex Interkönyv (EISZ) 
Oxford Bibliographies Szuperkereső alatt elérhető jelzés TRIAL SAGE Research Methods UN Comtrade – United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics 
Web of Science (+ ESCI backfiles 2005-2014) (EISZ)    ScienceDirect (EISZ)  Database 
UNECE – United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Wiley Online Library (EISZ)              World Biographical Information System Online (WBIS)          
  • Research Management financed the purchase of the following databases in 2021: 
KRTK- Adatbank adatbázis ORBIS KIRSTAT OKFŐ 
Refinitiv (EIKON)  Bloomberg Qualtrics StockTrack 
  • A needs assessment regarding the purchase of additional databases is currently underway. 

Journals: 40,000+ journals are available in the Library, including the FT Top 50 publications. 

eduID is available from this semester.  

Multifunctional lab: on the Székesfehérvár Campus 

Corvinus Research Highlights 2020: a collection of articles and books by Corvinus faculty published and organized in volumes in 2020. 

Corvinus journals: 

Corvinus Research Portfolio: The database of Corvinus publications, which includes the achievements of current BCE faculty, is being updated and will be available online in October 2021.  

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GEN.:2024.07.27. - 06:02:45