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Research Week

10-13 June 2024

The Research Week, which has become a tradition at Corvinus University of Budapest, is organised at the end of each semester, in January and June; the four-day event features plenary lectures, workshops, round-table discussions, consultation opportunities and a wide range of other activities.

Contact: researchweek@uni-corvinus.hu


10 June (Monday)

Organiser: Petrovics Nándor | Format: in-person | Room:  C X. | Language: English

Description: The roundtable discussion on the implementation of the University’s research strategy will bring together key leaders and researchers who contribute significantly to the University’s international embeddedness and research performance. The discussion will cover the background of the research strategy, the challenges ahead, the role of doctoral schools and doctoral students, the challenges of internationalization and international research projects, as well as the publication outputs that are key to the success of the research strategy.

Other participants: Szántó Zoltán Oszkár, Keszey Tamara, Lengyel Balázs, Kónya István, Hajnal György, Fekete Judit, Johannes Wachs

Room:  C X.

Register by 5 June 2024 at this link.

Organiser: Huszár Zsuzsa Réka | Format: in-person | Room:  C IX. | Language: English

Description: Presentation aims to provide an interactive discussion for finding impactful research question in finance or applied economics. Probably 80% percent of research papers submitted to top (D1) journals get rejected because of the lack of contribution. The common mistake among junior faculty is a “search for research gap”, often wanting to justify to editors what they are doing is relevan, connected to outstanding research. However, excessive justification could undermine the contribution of the research. It is always useful to have a target audience. I present three examples of how my coauthors found great  research questions in three areas: investment, household finance, and energy finance. Two of the papers presented have been already widely cited not only in academia but also in policy discussion forums by the US housing committee at the US Senate, and by the European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA) and the SEC, as well as professionals. 

Organiser: Szabó Krisztofer | Format: in-person | Room: C IX. | Language: English

Description: A research workshop for doctoral students and all interested parties, organised by the Doctoral Students’ Association.

Organiser: Pelsőci Balázs Lajos | Format: hybrid | Room: C VIII. | Language: English

Description: Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS)-Visiting Research Fellows present their ongoing studies and preliminary results.

  • Bojan Baca: Taking Conspiracist Imaginaries Seriously: Counterpublics, Counterknowledge, Counterpolitics
  • Demeter Márton: The geopolitics of academic knowledge production
  • Tanyi Attila: Phronesis, intuition, and deliberation in managerial decision-making: results of a global survey
  • Michael Thate: The Economics and Pedagogy of Character Skills
  • Simon Yin: Hungary-China Relations

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11 June (Tuesday)

Organiser: Baranyi Péter | Format: in-person | Room: C X. | Language: English

Description: The reluctance to adopt AI solutions in control systems lies in the fact that AI systems derive their knowledge and outputs from experiential learning, which constitutes “soft” knowledge. In control systems, reliance on experiential evaluation for demonstrating global stability and control performance is not acceptable. What is required instead is a precise, tractable and verifiable proof that the control strategy ensures system stability under all conditions. Therefore, the lecture focuses on how to integrate Linear Matrix Inequality based control design and analysis into AI frameworks, enabling the rigorous mathematical verification of stability and performance metrics for AI-controlled systems. 

Organiser: Tim Gittins | Format: hybrid | Room: C IX. | Language: English

Description: This session will focus on smartphone research conducted with Roma individuals in 2023. On the basis of previous anthropological research we aimed to assess the extent of municipal bulky waste collected in lomtalanitás by informal Roma collectors. This was perfomed by smarthones recording sizes of waste piles and the frequency of transporation of waste material for further use. The method is experimental and as such subject to refinement. 

Other participants: Letenyei László

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Organiser: Kristian L. Nielsen | Format: hybrid | Room: C IX. | Language: English

Description: The aim of this session is to introduce the recently established Centre for Contemporary Asia Studies within the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS). We will highlight some of the centre’s key initiatives in the fields of geopolitics and security in the Indo-Pacific region, regional competition in the Indo-Pacific, and the evolving global order. During the session, we will present the centre’s flagship project, the Palgrave Handbook of Geopolitics and Security in the Indo-Pacific, which focuses on the connections between East, South, and Southeast Asia on a national, regional, and global scale.

Other participants: Csicsmann László, Scott N. Romaniuk, Nuno Morgado

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12 June (Wednesday)

Organiser: Köves Alexandra | Format: in-person | Room:  C X. | Language: English

Description: Today everything is green. Or at least should be. However, aiming for sustainability means highly different directions for different actors. It is not only the definition of sustainability that is highly contested but what we should do about it. This presentation attempts to provide an overview of these different shades of green trying to facilitate the understanding of the cacophony in proposed and implemented “solutions”. From the light green of market solutions, through the grass green of institutional solutions to the deep green of radical demands, we will see how these concepts evolve and the rationale behind them.

Organiser: Nuno Morgado | Format: in-person | Room:  C V. | Language: English

Description: China’s rise as a great power awakes an interest to study its identity. This presentation explores China’s ambitions to a great power status in the 21st century, delving into the country’s important role within the international system.

We trace the origins of China’s ambitions in its strategic culture and system of ideas and representations, through the lens of China’s historical and cultural context, forming a geopolitical study. We pay a particular attention to the concepts of ‘middle’, ‘Middle Kingdom’, and Tianxia. ‘Middle’ symbolizes China’s centrality and moral authority, ‘Middle Kingdom’ embodies the idea of a state, where the political power is concentrated, and Tianxia represents China’s historical visions of the global order.
Our results show that China’s traditional views suggest ambitions for a leading status in the international chessboard, which is confirmed by China’s ongoing multiple efforts to reshape the international system as empirical evidence.
Other participants: Druhalóczki Éva

Organiser: Kőrösi Krisztina | Format: in-person | Room: Library classroom (Aquarium) | Language: Hungarian/English

Description: On the consultation day, you can ask our librarian colleagues about a range of topics.

Small group/individual consultation sessions in the following topics:
  • Research infrastructure at CUB: subscriptions, literature acqusition, available financial databases and databanks (Kőrösi Krisztina, Fischer Mónika, Bavalics István)
  • Author identifiers, ensuring visibility (Demecs Éva, Lőrinczi Erzsébet)
  • Text similarity checker of scholarly articles (Horváth Alexandra)
  • Book publishing services at CUB, document identifiers (Székely Krisztina)
  • Scientometrics, metrics of university performance assessment (Hoffmann Ádám)
  • Open access in practice (Hoffmann Ádám)
  • Research data management (Kurucz Erika)
  • Artificial intelligence at CUB: applications, ethical aspects (Dabis Attila)
  • Reference manager softwares (Kőrösi Krisztina)

13 June (Thursday)

Organiser: Brodszky Valentin | Format: in-person | Room: C X. | Language: English

Description: Detailed programme: https://unicorvinus.sharepoint.com/:b:/t/CLOUD_Kutatsmenedzsment989/EcCeOedeho5Bj2iPn3mnqe4B3fAOTN7VCKQgZjt4cicSAQ?e=8oQBr7

Other participants: Balázs Péter, Bíró Anikó, Elek Péter, Beretzky Zsuzsanna, Nickl Anna

Organiser: Matolay Réka | Format: személyes | Room: C VIII. | Language: English

Description: How to generate positive impact in local communities through your teaching and research? You are an international member of the Corvinus faculty and curious how to be embedded and contribute locally? You are a local colleague with courses in English and interested in real-life cases and collaborations with local community partners? Experience community engaged research and learning, this innovative way of teaching at the science shop workshop. Join us and our community partner NoBadKid for exploring how your teaching and research is enriched by the questions raised by the community and supported by the Corvinus Science Shop along the way. The workshop qualifies as an academic development occasion and results in a science shop certificate.

Other participants: Frigyik Márta

Organiser: Pelsőci Balázs Lajos | Format: hybrid | Room: C IX. | Language: English

Description: Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies (CIAS)-Visiting Research Fellows present their ongoing studies and preliminary results.

  • Fernando Almeida: An assessment model for responsible research and innovation
  • Amitabh Anand: The Dark side of Organizational Internal Communication – Scale Development and Analysis from the Context of Hungary
  • Anikó Almási, Viktor Dörfler & Marc Stieerand: Michelin Drive: Strategizing Creativity in Hungarian Haute Cuisine
  • V G Venkatesh: Antecedents of Circular Procurement: A Pathway to Sustainable Supply Chains from an Emerging Economy Perspective
  • László Végh: Improving the handicap of a matrix

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Organiser: Fekete Judit | Format: in-person | Room: C X. | Language: Hungarian/English

Description: Research funding advisor colleagues from the Corvinus European Research Grant Office (ERGO) will provide personalised advice to interested researchers about available European and other international research funding opportunities, personal grant strategy planning, grant writing, and grant management related issues. Join us for a coffee and let’s explore how we can help you secure funding for your research projects. We look forward to seeing you there!

Organiser: Nagy-Béni Alexandra | Format: hybrid | Room: C VIII. | Language: Englsih

Description: “If it bleeds, it leads” – one of the famous mottos of news production captures the inseparable connection between violence and the news genre. The news media are the primary source of information on complex matters, such as the violent acts that the session covers. Not only do the media select the issues they report on, but they also choose the ways in which to do so, which is central to the concept of framing. One of the most powerful framing tools are pictures. However, while reports on violent acts appear daily, restrictions on their explicit visual depiction make the framing mechanisms of violence in online visual discourse less clear. Thus, the question arises: which motifs substitute explicit violence on images accompanying news articles? The session presents a theoretical and practical framework that reveals how reports of violence are illustrated in such restricted circumstances, with a special focus on contemporary cases in the age of the “homo videns”, the man who watches and is informed by images (Sartori, 1997).

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