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Our student has been awarded a scholarship by the Ökotárs Foundation

2024-07-17 15:12:00

For the first time, 10-month scholarships were awarded in memory of Zsuzsa "FoZsu" Foltányi, the founding director of the Ecotárs, in honour of her work.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The “FoZsu” Memorial Scholarship supports students in higher education who are studying in fields related to the wider environmental sciences and are active in promoting sustainability and environmental protection. The scholarship is for one academic year, for a period of 10 months, and for a monthly amount of 150 000 HUF. During the period of the scholarship, the recipients must carry out a research or practical project with concrete results, social and environmental benefits, in order to have a positive impact on the environment, just as Zsuzsa Foltányi did in her life. 

Máté Kovács, a third-year student in Economics and Management, won the scholarship with his project “Autonomous civil communities for more sustainable settlements”. 


More details can be found in the news published on greenfo. 

Photo: Sarkadi Péter, source: greenfo

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