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Dániel Havran was elected as a board member of EDAMBA

2022-09-22 09:33:23

Dániel Havran, the Programme Director of the Quality Assurance of the Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration, has been appointed a member of the Executive Committee of the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration (EDAMBA) for the academic year 2022/2023.
Corvinus Épület

The non-profit organisation linking European doctoral programmes in management and administration currently spans 28 countries. Its mission is to develop common ideas, values, evaluation criteria, standards, and practices to assess and enhance the quality of doctoral education. In its decades of existence, it has implemented a number of global projects ranging from doctoral subject leader training to the development of international accreditation assessment principles (AACSB, EQUIS). 

In previous years, Ágnes Zsóka, the Vice-Rector for Academic Development has been involved in the work of the Executive Committee. She has played a remarkable share in building international relationships with the members of the Association and achieving its mission. EDAMBA will hold its annual conference on 2-4 September 2023 at Corvinus University of Budapest. 

Dr. Havran Dániel mester.dekan@uni-corvinus.hu, daniel.havran@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Oktatási rektorhelyettesi szervezet
Mesterképzési szak-portfólióért felelős dékán / Dean of Master Study Programme Portfolio
E épület, 212, 257
Phone: +36 1 482 5103 • Ext: 5103, 5216
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