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Research Phases (1995- )

Competitiveness Research Centre has coordinated 6 research phases in the last three decades. Each phase has always reflected the evolving trends in the context.

1) Competing with the world (1995-1997). The focus was on exploring the contradiction observed at the time after the transition in 1990s between macro and micro performance. While the domestic corporate sector was perceived to be performing in a market economy framework, leaving behind ‘socialist’ conditions, this was not reflected in national economic performance.  

2) Infocom technologies and competitiveness (1991-2001). By the 2000s, economic transition was well established. The world was looking for business opportunities in the emerging dot.com world. Reflecting this trend, the Infocom Technologies and Competitiveness research phase was launched.

3) Competitiveness on the eve of EU accession (2004-2006).  The title clearly indicates that this phase is guided by the accession to the European Union. The specificity of this phase is that it includes two data collections and three research programmes.

4) International economic trends and competitiveness (2010-2013). Phase 4 dealt with competitiveness and the international context. The survey covered the period after the 2008 financial crisis. This period also saw the highest number of researchers involved in the research.

5) Competitiveness at the dawn of the new industrial revolution (2018-2023). Focus on understanding the impact of pervasive technologies on business around 2020s.

6) The agenda of our programme 2024-2027 is digitalisation and sustainability.

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