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CV - Matyusz Zsolt

Personal data

Matyusz Zsolt

Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
Rektori szervezet / Operáció és Döntés Intézet / Ellátásilánc-menedzsment Tanszék
Qualifications, scientific degrees
Higher education qualifications
  • 1999 - 2004
    BKÁE, közgazdász (Főszakirány: termelésmenedzsment és logisztika; Mellékszakirány: alkalmazott statisztika) (egyetemi)
  • 2013 - 2015
    Óbudai Egyetem, Minőségbiztosítási szakember (egyetemi)
Scientific degrees and awards
  • 2012, PhD
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
  • 2022 -
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Szakfelelős (Ellátásilánc-menedzsment mesterszak)
  • 2018 -
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, egyetemi docens
  • 2013 - 2017
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, egyetemi adjunktus
  • 2013 - 2013
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, egyetemi tanársegéd
  • 2009 - 2012
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, tudományos segédmunkatárs
  • 2006 - 2012
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Gazdálkodástani Doktori Iskola, Ph.D. hallgató
Membership in board of supervision and directors
  • 2023 -
    Corvinus Case Track Community, Felügyelőbizottsági tag
Important study tours, delegacies
  • 2019, 1 hét
    China Europe International Business School
  • 2013, 1 hét
    Neuchatel University (Svájc)
  • 2012, 1 hét
    University of Antwerp (Antwerpen, Belgium - Summer School on Fashioning Management)
  • 2011, 1 hét
    Bogazici University (Isztambul, Törökország - 10th ISIR Summer School on Emerging Trends in Inventory Modeling for Service and Manufacturing)
  • 2011, 1 hét
    International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (Salzburg, Ausztria - 16th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research)
  • 2010, 1 hét
    International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (Salzburg, Ausztria - 15th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research)
  • 2009, 1 hét
    Karol Adamiecki University of Economics (Katowice, Poland - 9th ISIR Summer School on Inventory Modeling)
  • 2008, 3 hónap
    Aalborg Universitet, Centre for Industrial Production (Aalborg, Dánia)
  • 2008, 1 hét
    HEC Paris (Párizs, Franciaország - Advanced Topics in Supply Chain Management)
  • 2008, 1 hét
    International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (Salzburg, Ausztria - 14th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research)
Awards, titles, honors
  • 2022, Elismerő oklevél kiemelkedő teljesítményért
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
  • 2013, Bolyai ösztöndíj
    Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
  • 2013, Év oktatója
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
  • 2012, Kutatói kiválósági ösztöndíj
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
  • 2010, Kutatói asszisztens ösztöndíj
    Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
Language skills
Media appearance
Language skills
  • Language: English
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance:
  • Language: German
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance:
Research, professional activity

Vállalatgazdaságtan BSc (2006-2020) Operations Management, ISC Core Course BSc (2007, angolul) Értékteremtő folyamatok menedzsmentje MSc (2007- ) Ellátási lánc menedzsment, REK Nyíregyháza (2007-2009) Tevékenységmenedzsment BSc (2008- ) Szakszeminárium BSc, MSc, MBA (2009- ) Termelési és szolgáltatási stratégia és teljesítménymérés MSc (2009-2010) Supply Chain Management, CEMS Elective Course (2009-2014, angolul) Termelés és szolgáltatás menedzsmentje MSc (2010-2022) Termelési és szolgáltatási stratégia MSc (2011) Termelés tervezése és szervezése MSc (2011-2015) Lean menedzsment MSc (2015-2024) Ellátási lánc menedzsment MSc (2012) Disztribúció MSc (2012-2013) Cases on Business Economics BSc (2013-2014, 2017- ) Üzleti gazdaságtan BSc (2013-2019) Logisztikai szolgáltatási tevékenységek MSc (2014-2015) Logisztikai szolgáltatások MSc (2015-2016) Hálózati infrastruktúra MSc (2015) Nemzetközi szállítmányozás és logisztika BSc (2014-2017) Business Economics BSc (2014-2019) Cases on International Business Strategy Bsc (2017- ) Logisztikai modellek MSc (2017-2024) Supply Chain and Operations Management Full-Time MBA (2018, 2020) Operations Management BSc (2021- ) Solving Strategic Problems BSc (2021- )

organization science

Ipar 4.0, Retail digitalizáció, Szellemi tőke, Kompetenciák

Termelési stratégia, Kontingenciák, Lean menedzsment, Készletmenedzsment
Major research projects
  • 2017 - 2021, EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: EFOP
    Further info about research:
  • 2013 - , Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG)
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research: nemzetközi termelési ellátási láncokat kutató szervezet munkájában való részvétel
  • 2012 - 2015, Közlekedési előrejelző modell megalkotása
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: KTIA_AIK_12 projekt
    Further info about research:
  • 2012 - 2018,
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Versenyképesség Kutató Központ
    Further info about research:
  • 2011 - 2012, TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005. sz. BCE kutatási projekt
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: TÁMOP
    Further info about research:
  • 2011 - 2011, A postahelyi kézbesítés (letét) fejlesztése c. kutatáson belül a
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Magyar Posta Zrt.
    Further info about research:
  • 2010 - 2010, Customer Relationship Management kutatás
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Régens Zrt.
    Further info about research: Gelei Andrea és Nagy Judit kollégáimmal
  • 2010 - 2010, Hiánygazdaság - többletgazdaság
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research: Chikán Attilával közösen segítettük Kornai János professzor kutatását adatok, irodalom gyűjtésével, feldolgozásával, háttértanulmány készítésével. Kornai János a kutatás eredményét a Közgazdasági Szemle 2010. novemberi és decemberi számában közölte “Hiánygazdaság – Többletgazdaság” címmel két részben(,
  • 2009 - 2012,
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Versenyképesség Kutató Központ
    Further info about research:
  • 2009 - 2011, A külső környezeti tényezők hatása a termelési gyakorlatokra és a teljesítményre
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: OTKA
    Further info about research: OTKA K-76233 témaszámú kutatás
  • 2009 - 2011, Készlethelyzet elemzése
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Mile Kft.
    Further info about research:
  • 2007 - 2016, International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS)
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research: nemzetközi termelési stratégiákat és legjobb gyakorlatokat kutató szervezet munkájában való részvétel
Membership in scientific or professional bodies/organizations
  • 2014 - , köztestületi tag, member
    Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, IX. osztály (Gazdaság- és Jogtudományok),
  • 2012 - , főtitkárhelyettes, leadership position (president, director etc)
    International Society on Inventory Research (ISIR), international
  • 2009 - , tag, member
    Magyar Beszerzési, Logisztikai és Készletezési Társaság (MLBKT), national
Expert consultancy activities
  • 2008 - 2022
    Magyar Beszerzési, Logisztikai és Készletezési Társaság (MLBKT), A magyar Beszerzési Menedzser Index (BMI) gondozása
Location at the university
  • Building: E
    Room number: 123.2
    Extension: 5520
    Main line: 482-5520
    Fax: 482-5567
    Internal fax:
Personal data

Matyusz Zsolt

Egyetemi docens / Associate Professor
Qualifications, scientific degrees
Higher education qualifications
  • 1999 - 2004
    Budapest University of Public Administration and Economics, Economist (Major: Operations management and logistics; minor: Applied statistics) (főiskolai)
  • 2013 - 2015
    Óbuda University, Quality assurance specialist (főiskolai)
Scientific degrees and awards
  • 2012, PhD
    Corvinus University of Budapest
  • 2013 - 2017
    Corvinus University of Budapest, assistant professor
  • 2013 - 2013
    Corvinus University of Budapest, assistant lecturer
  • 2009 - 2012
    Corvinus University of Budapest, research assistant
  • 2006 - 2012
    Corvinus University of Budapest, Ph.D. student
  • 2018 -
    Corvinus University of Budapest, associate professor
Public activities in the university (memberships in university bodies)
  • 2021 -
    Supply Chain Management MSc Program Director
Important study tours, delegacies
  • 2013, 1 week
    Neuchatel University (Switzerland)
  • 2012, 1 week
    University of Antwerp (Antwerpen, Belgium - Summer School on Fashioning Management)
  • 2011, 1 week
    Bogazici University (Isztambul, Turkey - 10th ISIR Summer School on Emerging Trends in Inventory Modeling for Service and Manufacturing)
  • 2011, 1 week
    International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (Salzburg, Austria - 16th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research)
  • 2010, 1 week
    International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (Salzburg, Austria - 15th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research)
  • 2009, 1 week
    Karol Adamiecki University of Economics (Katowice, Lengyelország - 9th ISIR Summer School on Inventory Modeling)
  • 2008, 3 months
    Aalborg Universitet, Centre for Industrial Production (Aalborg, Denmark)
  • 2008, 1 week
    HEC Paris (Paris, France - Advanced Topics in Supply Chain Management)
  • 2008, 1 week
    International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management (Salzburg, Austria - 14th IFPSM Summer School on Advanced Purchasing Research)
Awards, titles, honors
  • 2013, Bolyai Scholarship
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • 2013, Lecturer of the Year
    Corvinus University of Budapest
  • 2012, Research Excellence Scholarship
    Corvinus University of Budapest
  • 2010, Research Assistant Scholarship
    Corvinus University of Budapest
Language skills
Media appearance
Language skills
  • Language: English
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance:
  • Language: German
    Speaking: Advanced
    Writing: Advanced
    Reading: Advanced
    Media appearance:
  • Language: Russian
    Speaking: Intermediate
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
  • Language: French
    Speaking: Intermediate
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
  • Language: Latin
    Speaking: Intermediate
    Writing: Intermediate
    Reading: Intermediate
    Media appearance:
Research, professional activity

Business Economics (2006- )Operations Management, ISC Core Course (2007, in English)Management of Value Creating Processes (2007- )Supply Chain Management, REK Nyíregyháza (2007-2009)Process Management (2008- )Thesis consultation (International Business BSc, Business and Management BSc/MSc, Logistics Management MSc, Supply Chain Management MSc) (2009- )Operations strategy and performance measurement, Business and Management MSc (2009-2010)Supply Chain Management, CEMS Elective Course (2009-2014, in English)Operations Management, Logistics Management MSc, Supply Chain Management MSc (2010- )Operations Strategy, Logistics Management and Business and Management MSc (2011)Operations Planning and Management, Logistics Management and Business and Management MSc (2011-2015)Lean Management, Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management MSc (2015- )Supply Chain Management, Marketing MSc (2012)Distribution, Logistics Management MSc (2012-2013)Cases on Business Economics (2013-2014, 2017- )Advanced Business Economics (2013-2020)Logistics Service Activities, Logistics Management MSc (2014-2015)Logistics Services, Logistics Management MSc (2015-2016)International Forwarding and Logistics, International Business BSc (2014-2017)Business Economics (2014-2019, in English)Cases on International Business Strategy (2017- )Logistics Models (2017- )

organization science

Industry 4.0, Intellectual capital, Competencies

Macro inventory managementManufacturing strategy and manufacturing practicesManufacturing contingency factorsHistory of operations managementSupply chain transparency and sustainabilityAdditive manufacturing (3d printing)Fashion management from an operations management POV
Major research projects
  • 2013 - , Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG)
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research:
  • 2012 - 2015, Traffic forecasting research projekt
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: KTIA_AIK_12 project
    Further info about research:
  • 2012 - , 5th wave of Competitiveness Research
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Competitiveness Research Center
    Further info about research:
  • 2011 - 2012, TÁMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005. sz. CUB Research Project
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: TÁMOP
    Further info about research:
  • 2011 - 2011, International legal environment of postal services
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Magyar Posta Zrt.
    Further info about research:
  • 2010 - 2010, Customer Relationship Management research
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Régens Zrt.
    Further info about research:
  • 2010 - 2010, Shortage economy - surplus economy
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research:
  • 2009 - 2011, Effect of external environmental factors on manufacturing practices and performance
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: OTKA
    Further info about research: Research number OTKA K-76233
  • 2009 - 2011, Inventory analysis
    Form of participation: leader of the research team
    Moneylender: Mile Kft.
    Further info about research:
  • 2009 - 2012, 4th wave of Competitiveness Research
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Moneylender: Competitiveness Research Center
    Further info about research:
  • 2007 - ,
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research:
  • 2017 - , EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007 project, Industry 4.0 and Supply Chains sub-project
    Form of participation: member of the research team
    Further info about research:
Membership in scientific or professional bodies/organizations
  • 2014 - , member of the public body,
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
  • 2012 - , deputy secretary general,
    International Society on Inventory Research (ISIR),
  • 2009 - , member,
    Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management (HALPIM),
Expert consultancy activities
  • 2008 -
    Hungarian Association of Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Management (HALPIM), Managing the Hungarian PMI (Purchasing Managers' Index)
Location at the university
  • Building: Main Building
    Room number: 123.2
    Extension: 5520
    Main line: 482-5520
    Fax: 482-5567
    Internal fax:
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