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Nemzetközi pályázati eredmények, sikertörténetek

2007 és 2013 között az Európai Bizottság FP7 keretprogramjában a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem 24 projektben volt konzorciumi résztvevő és 1,66 millió EUR támogatást kapott az Európai Bizottságtól.

2014 és 2020 között a Horizon 2020 keretprogramban 11 projektben 3,6 millió EUR támogatást nyert az egyetem.

2020 decemberében a Corvinus története során először konzorciumvezetőként elnyert egy 4 millió eurós összköltségvetésű pályázatot (TRADE4SD) 14 tagú nemzetközi konzorcium vezetőjeként. A projekt 2021 nyarán indul és célja, hogy innovatív megközelítésben vizsgálja a nemzetközi agrárkereskedelem és a fenntarthatóság közötti kapcsolatokat.

A H2020-as pályázati ciklus a Green Deal Call pályázatokkal zárult, mellyel kapcsolatban már 2020 szeptember elején, a felhívások megjelenése előtt tájékoztató előadást szervezett az egyetem. 2021. január 26-án végül 4 pályázat leadásában vettek részt corvinusos kutatók. A 20 felhívásra 433 pályázat érkezett, hatalmas tehát a verseny, az eredményeket pár hónap múlva lehet megtudni.

Jelenleg 6 Erasmus+ projektben veszünk részt, melyek összesen 327 147 EUR támogatásban részesültek. 

Horizont projektjeink

Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation ActionTRADE4SD – Fostering the positive linkages between trade and sustainable development
Duration: 2021-2025

Coordinator: CORVINUS

Project leader and PI: Prof. Attila Jámbor

Grant: 555 737 €
Trade has the power to produce positive outcomes when the policies which define the rules of the game are framed and designed in a way to promote access to markets, fair prices and standards of living for farmers, as well as alleviating rural poverty and ensuring sustainable farming practices. The main objective of the project is to contribute to build new opportunities for fostering the positive sustainability impacts of trade supported by improved design and framing of trade policy at national, EU and global level, including WTO modernization, increased policy coherence at different domains including agricultural, energy, climate, environmental and nutritional policies. In addition to leading the consortium, the Corvinus team is responsible for the theoretical grounding, exploring and quantifying the links between trade and the Sustainable Development Goals, and for trade-based modeling of social issues.
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation ActionMEDIATIZED-EU – Mediatized Discourses on Europeanization and Their Representations in Public Perceptions
Duration: 2021-2024

Coordinator: Dublin City University (IE)

Corvinus research group PI: Prof. György Lengyel

Grant: 399 750 €
The aim of the project is to study how the media discourses are constructed to foster or hamper the European project and how they resonate among the public by focusing on the elite-media-public triangle. It is crucial to reveal the specifics of such mediatization of political discourses on Europeanization across Europe, namely, the so-called Old and New European and EaP countries. The project also provides a cross-country comparative analysis of seven target countries and develops policy recommendations for national and EU policymakers. Corvinus is co-leader of the Work Package on research. Among the major methods are content- and discourse analysis, population survey, elite interviews and civic discussion. Read more here.
Horizon 2020, MSCA, Innovative Training NetworksSAPIENS – Sustainability And Procurement in International, European, and National Systems
Duration: 2021-2025


Corvinus research group PI: Prof. Tünde Tátrai

Grant: 229 715 €
SAPIENS develops the scientific analyses needed for enhancing Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) and provide buyers in the public sector with tools to procure sustainably, in compliance with the applicable international and EU rules. The PhD interdisciplinary research focuses on 15 innovative SPP topics articulated along three axes: (a) SPP from the international agenda to actual buying practices (actors, sustainable economics, new approaches to public buying), (b) procurement to achieve the SDGs (incl. human, workers, women rights, different environmental concerns, SMEs), and (c) sector-specific applied SPP (construction, textiles and catering).
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action AMASS – Acting on the Margins: Arts as Social Sculpture
Duration: 2020-2023


Corvinus research group PI: Prof. Andrea Kárpáti

Grant: 449 625 €
This arts-based action research project aims to create concrete opportunities for people to accompany artists as agents in creative projects and interpretations. This multidisciplinary project considers a wide field of disciplines and through participatory approaches, it explores the role of the arts in mitigating societal challenges, aiming at capturing, assessing and harnessing the societal impact of the arts and further generate social impact through policy recommendations. It also identifies, collates, evaluates and analyses existing and new innovative productions, experiments and case studies from the perspective of European countries ‘on the margins’ in the underserved northern, southern, western and eastern regions.
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation ActionPOPREBEL – Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism
Duration: 2019-2021


Corvinus research group PI: Prof. István Benczes

Grant: 408 501 €
The aim of the project is to take stock of the recent rise of populism – in its various forms – in Central and Eastern Europe including the Western Balkans. Our researchers’ task is to describe the phenomenon, create a typology of its various manifestations, reconstruct trajectories of its growth and decline, investigate its causes, interpret its meanings, diagnose its consequences and propose policy solutions.
Horizon 2020, MSCA, Innovative Training NetworksFATIGUE – Delayed Transformational Fatigue in Central and Eastern Europe
Duration: 2018-2021


Corvinus research group PI: Prof. István Benczes

Grant: 671 741€
The aim of the project is to develop theoretically and empirically robust explanations for the causes and consequences of rise of illiberalism and authoritarianism in post-communist Europe (and Europe, more generally) with reference to the concept of ‘delayed transformational fatigue’. In the framework of the project Corvinus hosts 3 Early Stage Researchers and supports their interdisciplinary research.
Horizon 2020, MSCA, Innovative Training NetworkssHealthPros – Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals
Duration: 2018-2021


Corvinus research group PI: Dr. Petra Baji

Grant: 447 827€
Translating healthcare data into meaningful, valid, actionable performance intelligence that is transferrable into actions to improve healthcare systems requires multidisciplinary skills & innovative competencies. HealthPros fills this gap and directly impacts the European Research Area by training innovative “Healthcare Performance Intelligence Professionals” uniting a multidisciplinary consortium tackling private, public, academic sectors.
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation ActionPECUNIA – ProgrammE in Costing, resource use measurement and outcome valuation for Use in multi-sectoral National and International health economic evaluAtions
Duration: 2018-2020


Corvinus research group PI: Prof. Valentin Brodszky

Grant: 89 271 €
The project aimed to tackle the healthcare challenges of an ever-growing and rapidly ageing population in the EU by developing new standardised, harmonised and validated methods and tools for the assessment of costs and outcomes in European healthcare systems. Comparing and exploiting data across different countries and sectors, PECUNIA provided direct comparable solutions to improve chronic and mental healthcare in all EU health systems.
Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support ActionRiConfigure – Reconfiguring Research and Innovation Constellations
Duration: 2018-2021


Corvinus research group PI: Dr. Dóra Horváth

Grant: 132 500 €
This project promotes responsible research and innovation. Its main goal is to make cross-sectoral collaborations thrive and overcome the challenges that the actors might face. There is a strength in including more diverse voices in the dynamic process, as diversity creates resilience and representativeness. Together we are stronger and can find more holistic solutions, which could not have been developed without the active co-creation by civil society.
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation ActionCo-VAL – Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations
Duration: 2017-2021


Corvinus research group PI: Dr. György Drótos

Grant: 177 500 €
Understanding value co-creation in public services for transforming European public administrations The project mainly contributed to the analysis of innovative ways for designing service models for public administration processes, mainly demand-driven and bottom-up supply chains that promote the voluntary and active participation of society in the transformative efforts of public administrations.
Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support ActionEnRRICH (Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education)
Duration: 2015-2018


Corvinus research group PI: Dr. Réka Matolay

Grant: 55 000 €
The aim of the project was to improve the capacity of university students and academic staff to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to support the embedding of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in curricula by responding to the research needs of society as expressed by civil society organisations. As a result of this project, Corvinus successfully operates a Science Shop to ensure community outreach for its research activities.
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GEN.:2024.07.27. - 05:32:37