Pay your semester 1 tuition fees (if you are a self-funded applicant).
You cannot get a visa (if you require one) if you do not pay your semester 1 tuition fees, in full, upfront.
Applicants, who do not require a visa (e.g. EU nationals), still need to pay their semester 1 tuition fees to reserve their place on the programme.
Make sure you pay in the right currency and follow the instructions we give you. You cannot pay in installments.
Pay as soon as possible, particularly if you need a visa – failure to do so promptly may result in you not being able to start your programme. All programmes start in September – late enrollment cannot be guaranteed.
Have your diploma formally recognised by our Legal Affairs department
As of 2023, Hungarian Law no longer requires international diplomas and transcripts to be formally legalised (e.g. Apostille or notarisation process).
However, our Legal Affairs department still needs to check the authenticity of your diploma and transcript. The level of your qualification will be checked to ensure it meets the requirements stated in Hungarian Law to be admitted onto the programme(s) of study you have applied to. We also check that you have completed your qualification.
Make sure you have uploaded copies of the final diploma and transcript as soon as possible to your application record, once available.
We are only able to issue Unconditional Acceptance Letters until August. If you fail to provide your completed qualifications by that time, it could lead to rejection.
Formally meet the minimum credit requirements (if you are an MA/MSc/MBA applicant)
For every Master programme in Hungary, there are minimum credit requirements to meet. These requirements vary from programme to programme and are published in the “Credit Requirements” section of each programme page on our English language website.
You must be able to estimate your credits in ECTS (the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) if you have studied in a country that uses a different credit system. There are compulsory ECTS requirements for various subject areas. If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be admitted.
It is very important to check the requirements and undertake your own analysis before you apply for any programme.
Once you have completed all the above (as required) and each has been approved, you will receive an unconditional letter of acceptance.
Receive your “Letter of Award” (if you are a scholarship applicant)
Regrettably, passing entrance exams does not guarantee you a place on the programme if you are a scholarship applicant. There are quotas for each programme and sending partner (country) makes the final decision regarding your placement.
Letters of award are issued in July. You can start the visa application process if you have a letter of award from Tempus Public Foundation, letter of acceptance from Corvinus University of Budapest and accommodation in Budapest secured.