Advanced Supply Chain Management

for current students

Upcoming Deadlines/Events

Corvinus Ambassador

Year 1

- Thesis submission : XY date
- Specialization : XY date
- Exam period : XY date
Corvinus Ambassador

Year 2

- Thesis submission : XY date
- Specialization : XY date
- Exam period : XY date
Corvinus Ambassador

Year 3

- Thesis submission : XY date
- Specialization : XY date
- Exam period : XY date
Corvinus Ambassador

Year 4

- Thesis submission : XY date
- Specialization : XY date
- Exam period : XY date


Corvinus Ambassador

News 1

News description 1
Corvinus Ambassador

News 2

News description 2
Corvinus Ambassador

News 3

News description 3

Are you interested in how to organize the journey of a vaccine shipment from the other side of the world to Hungary, so that the cooling chain is not broken? Or are you interested in how to reorganize your company’s supply chain if your Chinese partner cannot export raw materials? Maybe the container full of your ordered goods got stuck in the Suez Canal? Then your place is here with us!

At the Master Programme in Advanced Supply Chain Management you learn the strategic and tactical decisions of supply chain management, from purchase through manufacturing to distribution. The objective of the programme is to train supply chain managers who understand the relations of integrated corporate logistic management and are able to control the corporate logistics system and the supply chains and networks of companies. The professionals completing our programme — being in the possession of the necessary theoretical knowledge and modern practical solutions —are able to plan, analyse and develop intra- and inter-company logistics processes and to manage them in an efficient way. 

Your programme is a modern, progressive programme, that prepares you to be competitive on the changing job market of the present and the future. The business environment is changing very fast, thus we will have to prepare you to meet the challenges of the yet unknown. After finishing our 1-year long program, you will be an expert with strong theoretical foundations and practical experience.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Your curriculum

The curriculum that will help you and us reach the aims are of the programme has the following characteristics. You will complete four semesters. The semesters build highly on one another and your courses adjust very tightly to business needs in your knowledge and skills.

The whole year is packed with advanced knowledge about supply chain management that will cover the whole field. Besides that, you will also work on your diploma thesis in these semesters.

International Opportunities

Considering that the study period of the program is 2 semesters, instead of the classic half-year mobility window, mobility in the program can be realized with shorter international projects. Such a shorter project can be: a foreign summer university, courses requiring a 1-2-week presence abroad, completion of online international micro-certificates. We are also planning to develop COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) projects.


At the end of your studies, you must submit a diploma thesis. The diploma thesis is a “masterpiece” work in which you demonstrate that you have acquired the knowledge and skills of your studies. At the same time, writing your diploma thesis is a part of developing your knowledge & skills. You should  spend Semester 3 and Semester 4 writing your thesis. You will be working together with a supervisor. For further information please read the Thesis guide.

Thesis guide

Thesis submission

There are checkpoints in your process of writing your thesis. You will be asked to submit your topic and the name of your supervisor, your theoretical chapter and a complete thesis. Before the submission deadline of your final thesis you should send it to your supervisor for a final check. You will need the formal approval of your supervisor to be able to submit your thesis. For details and deadlines please read the current Thesis guide.

You can upload your finished thesis work for text similarity check. It will automatically run through the Urkund text similarity checker software. The aim of this exercise is to phase out (unintentional) plagiarism. You can repeat the upload as many times as you wish.

Please note that Urkund only examines the degree of text similarity, not directly the fact of plagiarism. The result of the text similarity check is only indicative, it aims to warn you that parts of your essay resemble or is identical to other texts.

Ask for your supervisor’s approval for final submission. You can do it by pressing the Studies → Degree thesis/Thesis application → Thesis admission request button in Neptun. If your supervisor approves the request, you can submit your thesis.

You must upload your thesis on Neptun, under Studies → Degree thesis/Thesis application → Upload Degree thesis. Go through the following steps:

  • Press the Upload Degree thesis button.
  • Fill in the final title of your thesis.
  • Make declarations about own work and parallel programs.
  • Upload your thesis and choose the level of publicity.
  • Click on the Save files button to finish the process

Please note that you must apply for your final exam; submitting your thesis is not enough. You must apply for final exam separately in Neptun under Administration → Final examination.

Important deadlines

Final exam

The major aim and the role of the Final Exam is to assess the extent to which you have mastered the knowledge and skills included in the program. Assessment covers more than you might think: in addition to your knowledge and thesis results, it also covers soft skills such as communication, time management, and others.

Your Final Exam will have two parts:

  1. A written complex exam about your professional core courses.
  2. Your thesis defence together with a professional discussion between you and the Final Exam Committee.

Please make sure to:

  • be familiar with the course material of the subject/s your thesis work is about or connected to. 
  • be familiar with the most recent developments related to the topic of your thesis work. 
  • read your thesis evaluations very carefully and be prepared to be able to deal with the issues raised by the opponents. You can accept or reject criticism but as a young professional you always must support your opinion with sufficient evidence. If you use PowerPoints, you can prepare with backup slides for your answers. 
  • read your thesis work again to remember all the details.  

At the beginning of your defence the chair of the Committee greets you and tells what and how is going to happen. After that you defend your thesis. You will have ca 20 mins for the whole of the exam.

In the thesis defence part, you will be asked to:

  • Summarize the content of your thesis in 10-15 minutes. You will not have time to talk about everything – talk about the relevance of your topic, your methodology and your results. Talk about only what is necessary to understand your findings.
  • React to the comments and critiques of your opponents.

Using slides is compulsory. The Committee may ask questions during or after the presentation. 

In the professional discussion part:

  • the Committee will ask you various questions regarding your thesis work and related areas. This takes approximately 5-10 minutes.
  • do not be surprised if the Committee asks you about something that seems not to be directly or indirectly related with your thesis topic. The Committee has the right to ask anything, but they usually ask you questions about your thesis topic.

The Committee will give a summary evaluation to all the participants. Make sure not to leave the venue before closure of the exam has taken place.

Useful information

To make your life easier we have collected some frequently searched link that we hope you find useful. If you click on the buttons, you will be transferred to the relevant part of the university website. We hope you will enjoy this function.

To whom shall I turn to..

First check the website. When we created this website to include all the information you need during your studies in one place. So, before you send an email, please check the relevant part of the website to see if you can find an answer to your question. Trust me this is the fastest way! 😊 Don’t forget to check the FAQ.

If you are still looking for an answer after checking the website, contact us here:

  • Curriculum-related question -> Zsolt MATYUSZ,
  • General thesis-related question ->  Zsolt MATYUSZ,
  • Final examination-related question -> 
  • Zsolt MATYUSZ,
  • Specific thesis-related questions: your specialization leader or your thesis supervisor
  • Erasmus-related question -> DoItOnline Erasmus section
  • Intership-related question -> 
  • Finance-related question -> DoItonline Finance section
  • Neptun issue -> DoItOnline
  • Requests -> DoItOnline
  • General study-related question -> DoItOnline
  • Administrative problem(s) related to courses -> Departments


You can download it from your Neptun (Administration/general forms). Set the page to 100 items. The documents are already signed and stamped.

Print it and bring it to the Students’ Area and a student coordinator will sign and stamp it for you.

Come to the Students’ Area and a student coordinator will insert this sentence into your certificate, then print, sign, and stamp it for you / request it via Doitonline and a student coordinator will prepare and scan it for you.

Sorry, Neptun does not see the future and is not programmed to issue documents for the future. However, on your student status certificate there is information about the expected and of your legal status with Corvinus.

You can get it in the Students’ Area (bring an ID and your NEK sheet. The real documents, not just photos of them).

No, because civil authorities and BKK do not accept scanned temporary student IDs, only the original ones.

As this card is made by the government, not by the single universities, first you need to go to a government office and register for a student ID.
The government office gives you a paper called NEK sheet (do not lose it, you will need it later for years). You must enter its code in the top right had corner into your Neptun (Administration / Student Card request).
The governmental Education Office will make a card for you and when it is ready, they will send it to the Student Office for you.
In the meantime, you can get a temporary student ID in the Students’ Area.

First inform Student Services about the lost card (Doitonline or in person in the Student Area) so that they can set the status of your student ID to “lost” in Neptun. Then you do the same steps as with your first card: go to the government office etc.

That is probably because many requests are only available before their deadlines. These are usually communicated via Neptun messages. Please always read your Neptun messages.

You need to contact the department which is in charge of that subject. Only the department administrators can open up more places. This is not a matter for the Student Office.

On this webpage under ‘Important Contacts’

contact the Neptun team via Do it online

If it is banking data, you must do it for yourself (Neptun/Finances/Settings). For all other document updates you can EITHER go to the Students Area personally with your document and a student coordinator will insert your new data into Neptun OR you can send clear pictures of the relevant pages of your documents via Doitonline and a student coordinator will insert your new data into Neptun.

You can take the required 120 credits + 10 percent (12 credits) for free. It means that you only have to pay for the credits above 132.

A student may take a maximum of 42 credits per semester.