Szociológia mesterszakos hallgató
“Sociology” MA student is the one passionate about the field of sociology. A person that eagers to understand how the global society is structured and what is our place in it. A person who wants to get deeper qualitative knowledge, as well as improve their theoretical understanding of the concepts of social sciences. This is a person who is ready to devote time to thorough studying of long articles, and working with calculations and databases. This is a person who is not afraid to ask when facing difficulties.
One of my professors taught me a valuable lesson of never staying aside, and never holding back, but rather speak up and being in the arena. She believed in my potential and me. Since then even if slightly but I am trying to be brave not only in academic life but daily.”
Témák, melyben kérhetitek Anel segítségét:
Szociológia mesterszakos hallgató
“At Corvinus I met my classmates from all over the world. Everyone comes from a different background and culture but every single person in my class is very intelligent, supporting and inspiring.
All of our lecturers are practicing researchers in different fields of sociology. Other than that we’ve had plenty of guest lecturers who work for the government or research institutes. During our studies we’ve been learning research methods which we can apply to any kind of research, not only social scientific ones. Learning how to use a variety of software programs opens up more career opportunities.
Budapest is a safe city with affordable prices and developed public transportation. Many people here can speak English and it’s not difficult to make friends since Hungarians are sociable and kind.”
Témák, melyben kérhetitek Saniya segítségét:
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